
Talk to me.  Siaradwch â fi.

Do get in touch if you would like to know more about me or my little project.  I would particularly like to hear from you if you have any suggestions for people you think I should feature on this blog.

EMAIL  thorpeyg (at)

TELEPHONE  07517443256

TWITTER  @gwionthorpe

FACEBOOK  Gwion Thorpe

§ 3 Responses to contact

  • Emma Downes says:

    Hi Gwion, i wondered if you had a group that met regularly, or had any talks planned for the next few months.

    Many thanks Emma

  • Hannah Mobey says:

    To whom it may concern,

    My name is Hannah Mobey; a group of kind-hearted people and myself have recently set up a project in Cardiff for the next couple of months called Making Winter Warmer. Our aim is to collect as many items of clothing as we can, such as gloves, scarves, hats, and socks, and hand them out to the homeless population of Cardiff, along with hot drinks and possibly food. Our objective is to bring some warmth to the people of Cardiff that need it the most during these cold winter months.

    As this is self-funded, we are looking to generate as much interest as possible and are collecting donations to raise money to buy clothing items and provisions for the hot drinks and food.

    We would be deeply appreciative if you could provide us with anything you can; I know that you are bound by company rules and regulations, but all we are looking for is perhaps a donation of teabags, coffee, milk, and sugar, and possibly some food items to help us with our aim. We are also collecting cardboard boxes for the project.

    Also, any support you can give in terms of putting up posters for our project in your store would be fantastic – we need to make this as big as we can across Cardiff as the more people we have involved, the better we can do.

    Please get in touch as to whether you can help in any way.

    Many thanks,

    Hannah Mobey

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